
Showing posts from 2015

Sparrow Inspiration

Does God have a purpose for me? Its a question I've pondered over and, well ... agonized over for years. It seemed that God had used every avenue possible to convince me. Faith is a very crucial factor, I know. But since I couldn't see it, didn't feel it, it seemed too hard to believe it.   More than one year ago, a friend penned these words to me:           You're too talented to follow in anyone else's shadow.           You're too valuable to live someone else's destiny.           You're Lorina... and God has plans for you! I wondered if my friend was right. A destiny seemed hard to believe in when today seemed like nothing special. But my friend's words remained tucked away in my mind, only to surface later on when I heard "A Sparrow Song" written by Alison Brook. I wasn't sure about this song when I first heard it... But I came to see in this song a message that has impacted me greatly. Here are some of the words: I&#

(Re)Defining Me

Lo • ri • na [luh - ree - nuh] Noun      1. ............... How do I define myself? Is my definition true enough? broad enough? lived enough? valued enough? It seems a little odd to think of myself as having a definition. I mean, words have definitions, right? But to define is simply to set forth the meaning of something. And isn't it true that life has meaning? Without definition, a word lies meaningless. To my logical mind, I see words as having both a creator and a purpose. Without a creator, a word never existed. Without meaning, a word isn't used. When God willed me into existence...           He became my Creator.           He gained the right to define [give meaning to] me. My students, like many, try to take shortcuts. In an attempt to write as few words as possible, I sometimes find them writing partial definitions for their spelling homework. When attempting to use those words later on, will they be used correctly? Maybe, maybe not. It quick